I. The General Meeting
Composed of ordinary members, delegates of affiliate members and delegates of honorary members. It meets every two years and decides on the general orientation of the association.

2023 General Assembly
II. The Board of directors
Composed of a chairperson, a vice-chairperson, a treasurer and four members. It meets every six months to monitor the implementation of programs and projects and decides on budgets. It controls the resources of the association and appoints the executive director of the network.
The current Board of Directors is composed of :
- M. ODANOU Yombo, Chairman (CECA, Togo)
- M. MUTUA Kimanthi, Vice-Chairman (K-Rep, Kenya)
- Mme. ADOUKOUNOU V. Huguette, Treasurer (AFRICA Finances, Benin)
- M. PENCHE Joan, Deputy Treasurer (SIDI, France)
- Mme. MUTABARUKA Nadine, Member (WISE, Burundi)
- Mme. SAKIOUDI AMINA, Member (CMS, Maroc)
- Prof. DDUMBA- SSENTAMU John, Member (CENTENARY, Ouganda)
III – The Executive Direction
Responsible for the implementation of the objectives and strategies. The Executive Direction develops programs and activities in coordination with the member institutions, organizes seminars, training workshops and exchange programs. It publishes the network’s newsletter and mobilizes the resources required to implement the activities.